Free Sales Training Video - The Digital Sales Institute
This free sales training video is a sample from our online sales training programs. The first sales training video covers what is the definition of selling and what are the sales skills required. The second free sales training video covers “the buyer why’s”. The buyer why’s is the mental questioning process buyers or customers go through when considering a buying journey. Always remember that selling requires customers to undertake a change mangement project. Free Sales Training Video and Articles from The Digital Sales Institute. Updated April 2022. Selling defined In general terms, “selling” can be defined as the “exchange of value,” between a seller, and a buyer. This is where a buyer sees value in paying someone an agreed price, for a product, or service. Think of your own buying experiences, where you were convinced of the value of something, enough to part with your money. Let’s explore the basic rules of selling. To begin, Customers do not buy products; they buy benef...